Friday, December 11, 2015

Hang Onto Your Antlers!

      My blog, is a personal snippet, of my comings and goings. My heart's delight, and even my broken heart. Stories from me to me, and maybe you. I wish that they could all be funny and full of cheer, but that is not how this roller coaster rides. So let me warn you, this entry, may not be for the faint of heart. BUT I have to get it out, purge or explode. This is my therapy, and the cost is free. Your choice to read, or unplug, now that is a bargain.

    There is an elephant in the room, and it has a big Trump!
    I do not like to talk about this man, or give him any of my minutes on this earth, but this creature has gone to far. I keep waiting for the Republican Party, to stop this, hate monger, and people are scared of him.
    I think he is just, the school bully, with a fat bank account. He is mean, he is just a mean man.
    An astute business man, maybe? I do think he put people out on the streets, to buy property in New York, his tacky Trump Towers. ( OK, I went in, its not tacky, its over GOLD!) I had a friend many years ago, that wrote a story about him, and how he had hurt so many New Yorkers, Selma Hazouri if you read this, I remember your writing.
     He has no answers, only that he is a Winner, which is the same thing Charlie Sheen said, and I think he went away in  a straight jacket.
     What bothers me more, is the people that think he may be an asset to our country. Who are these people? They tend to be overly religious, white, uneducated, are there any polls about this group of people?
      I don't know, that is a question?
      I know people feel desperate, they want their guns, I believe you can have a gun if you like, but maybe you need to be vetted.
      Our country was built on its diversity, you can not ban whole groups of people.
      Mr. Trump is a pot stirrer, and people are drinking the Kool Aid!
  When ever I played a tennis match, I always wanted an opponent to be very good, it made me a better player. I feel like the Republican Party is in need of some decent people, because after The Elephant in the room, the others are riding the crazy train. This Cruz clown, is out of his mind. The Dr, may have operated on peoples brains, but his is missing some working cells, I can not even listen to his voice. Rubio, I feel like is not  horrible but I have banned the news in my house, so I cannot learn anything about him! Trump has sucked the life out of the Republican party. Bush, should have never run, he destroyed Florida, and his mom ( whom I like) should have said NO to that boy of hers. Are there others, it is a nest of nuts, and I feel kind of bad for the two party system. I'm a very liberal democrat, so its not my party, but how can I be better at the game, if you have nothing on the other side of the net?

I feel like things will get better, surely my faith in humans will not allow this man, to keep talking and acting so ugly. Its scary. Yes I know you can go on and on about Hillary, I know her flaws and I still think she is and can be great. I like Bernie also, he is my kind of liberal, but like I said, I don't want you all to go off the deep end, I care about you, and YOU know who you are.
  This is not funny to me, this stuff is serious, and we need a plan A,B,C, and D.
  Now that I have vented a tad, I will try and keep politics off my blog, if possible???!!!

  If you know me, that will be hard, but...I will try....Joy To The World
  Peace, and Good Will towards all men, women and children
  And Animals!!! FaLaLaLaLa tee da!

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