Instead of giving old age the free reign of destruction, we have decided to do otherwise. Or in staying with my title, Be Otherwise! ( I truly don't get hashtags, but I like them, sooo there you go!)
Your teeth, eyesight and bones, are the first to want to jump ship, but we have a gazillion doctors and dentists for that. We have wrinkle creams, that breed like rabbits, to take a line or two away. Botox and fillers, can be your friend, but you may lose a kidney to pay for it. We have so many options, choices, decisions to make.
We stay current, and are well read. ( I think we may be the last generation to read, #sad) ( Is that how you use hashtags?)( or is it more like #sadchildrenwhowillneverbedoctors) ( lord, this is fun, I see an entire hashtag blog coming soon!) We are educated and awesome, may have some substance abuse problems, but remember we have doctors!
We have kept moving, I hope, in body and spirit. We have questioned everyone and have high expectations. We have liberal hearts, and if you don't??#somethingwentwrongwithyourDNA. Peace, Love and Harmony are in all of us, some deeper down then others.
We were on the cusp of this technology that has taken us to all kinds of crazy, love it and hate it, at the same time. ( #verygoodmultitaskersarewe)
As I take down the Christmas decorations, and think about the New Year, I feel so thankful to be a Baby Boomer! To have seen so much, and know that my voice counts, is fantastic. To follow The Yellow Brick Road and The Yellow Submarine to all corners of the world, growing and learning.
To have my children turn out to be seriously the best people I have ever known, is just wonderful.
They touch my heart, often, all those sleepless nights pay off! If you can make it through the hard stuff, and you can!
This year is going to be my year of light! I like to have themes, to keep me focused.(#bornandraisedinFLoridaneedIsaymore)
I wish you all a Happy New Year(not sure what year it will be, I will have to look it up, retirement!)
Hope you have many Baby Boomers in your life, that are born givers and teachers, listen to their stories, we are very interesting people.(yes we have huge flaws!!we will tell you about them! Learn from us!)
Celebrate each day, graciously looking for something positive, its not so easy, but oh so worth it.
Vote with your head and your heart, don't try and separate the two. #Itstimeforawomanpresidentperiod!
I guess I should go back to taking down Christmas, it is like putting away a friend.
Happy New Year