Monday, May 2, 2011

On The Fence

There are many, many very evil people in the world, are we just going to shoot all of them?
Bin Laden has died, and I'm not sad. He took a path of terror and fanaticism, he will not be missed.
To celebrate his death, like Carnival in Rio, is too much.
I think somehow he wins, to die at the hands of "The Americans" the true people who invade countries, and are the aggressors. His words, not mine, but I do pause in thought.
I don't think there is any closure for all the people who lost loved ones on that September Day. It's just a different day, grief still lingers. I think I would have preferred to capture him, and learn more about my enemy. My head tells me, that would have been impossible, we have searched for so long.
Now can we leave Afghanistan?
Bin Laden was just the brick at the top, now what happens?
I fly the American flag proudly. My love for my country is NOT unconditional, that is why I vote.
We are a Global family, remember that.
Where is the Peace? Never when you fly planes into buildings killing so many, or putting bullets in one or a few, in a land far away.


  1. Well, you're not on the fence for peace my dear. I clearly see that is your ongoing prayer. I don't want killing at all, but I don't know what I'd want to do if my only child or my grandchildren had been in those Towers. I don't agree at all with Bin Laden, with the exception that which he said about the US: ''It wants to occupy our countries, steal our resources, impose agents on us to rule us, and then wants us to agree to all this...'' he told CNN in 1997.

  2. Peace is everything.
    Thanks for reading my thoughts

  3. i didn't know that he/ Bin Laden? / made the statements that were in the previous post. does any one have the true answer to peace ? I know that people that think they have the answer want to push it on everyone !

  4. Hummmmmm....A Peace Pusher....sounds good to me.


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