Monday, May 3, 2021

Where Did April Go?

     There is a tornado warning in Atlanta right this minute, and I have begun to type. I am sitting right next to a window, because I want to see the beast if its coming for me. I do not have the personality to wait to see, who is behind the curtain in the Emerald City!!! I will yank that curtain back. Who in the OZ does he think he is, I have fought off flying monkeys and green witches!! A tornado, please.... I will go downstairs, at the first flying cow and tractor I see.

I paint and write, to lose myself . Picasso, had a singular mission to paint. Everyone in his path suffered for it. I pine for time to paint, I would love to paint from morning to night. but life comes at us humans!! Full speed, I need to put the clothes in the dryer, right this minute. My mind is trying to figure out what we are having for supper, at 10: in am!!! I have been outside to check on my plants, who are thrilling my insides, making sure they are in line for some good rain. Made an appointment for Lucy the Lab, who has not had food, a tad, in four weeks. We have been to the vet twice now, and I had a Come To Jesus, with them this morning. I want an, in office visit, I can not do drive by vet treatment anymore. So we will go see them at 3:30, I know my old girl is not OK. AND.....Did I tell you my only daughter, Emma got engaged, and I am neck deep in wedding planning for May 21, next year!!!! It all Joy, Joy, JOy, but....

its consuming. ( In a good way!! Picasso, never had to do any of these things!!) ( a singular purpose!!)

Focused on his art!! I am scattered, trying to find time for my art. AND I will. I raised five children, I can find the time. Oh Wait, now mom is here too, God Bless her bones!! I think I will have to go downstairs to paint at night, its a thought. 

I was going to tell you about the new David Sedaris Book, The Best of Me. All Sedaris is good to me.

There are many things that I highlighted but you know I am on tornado watch, so I will leave you with a couple.

1. Once he hit thirty, a hardness would likely settle about his mouth and eyes, but as it was---at twenty -nine-- he was right on the edge, a screw top bottle of wine the day before it turns to vinegar!!!

2. Lisa would shoot to the top of her field, earning a masters degree in manipulation and eventually taking over a medium size country.

David is special and I mean that in so many ways!! Negative and Positive, SPECIAL.

And I know what you are thinking. Bonnie, You read three books a week, their is your painting time!!!

I have many irons in the fire, that feed me. It seems to be which one do you pick up, and how hot is the poker!!

Wonderful chaos, enjoy that Mr. P, I will get to singular time, one day. AND I will not take up cubism!!
