Sunday, September 27, 2020

Cashmere and Converse-Daniel Levy

  Currently looking at a grand spider web out my window. All of a sudden, spider webs are all around. Maybe they were always there?? I think I would have seen them. They fascinate me, glad I am not afraid of the little creatures. ( Thank you Charlotte)
  No I will not be watching the presidential debate, I have been nauseated for almost four years, I may be for four more, I don't know?? All I know is I have my ballot in hand, and some holy water, prayer beads, and Neil Young playing in background, signing my name for my party. The platform I believe in and have worked for all my adult life. I will think of Ruth, with a grateful heart, as I vote.
I will think of Policemen, and victims of racial injustice, hoping both can change for the better. We need our police educated, paid more, and changed!!! We need to look at Black Lives Matter, because they do. The color of your skin should never be an issue, EVER. Actions do speak louder, but so often color comes into view first. NOT OK, we are all humans, every color, religion, breath we take, gender!! Equal love, respect, helping each other, positive living, working hard to do better and be better. I sign my ballot for you!! I sign my ballot for me!! I wear a mask for you!! I wear a mask for Me!
Listen to your heart, and the scientist, news media, be careful.
This is not road scholar information, this is human smart, fair, kindness, equal rights, body rights!!
For the love of Baby Jesus, vote. 
I will accept the peoples vote, even if it is not my own, and continue to fight until my last breathe, for my beliefs. I have the hope of change, real hope, but I did the last election also, and defeat is not fun. It just made me work harder. I see a new cup, not half full, or half empty, but with a different liquid in the cup!! A cup overflowing with joy, hard work, changes, courage, strength, a strong wind blowing the last few years of hatred away. Teachers getting paid for their worth, doctors and nurses, policemen, firemen, military people, Honored and respected, for doing good. AND if you are the bad seed in any profession, you gotta go, Preachers, Teachers, Politics, all working people, ALL weed out the bad. 
I could continue, but I have lost my rant  of thought. Lucky for you!!
I will tell you that I heard a quote, as usual, forgot to write where I heard this jewel, but jewel it is!!
" She is Dracula with a blowout!!!" You can borrow anytime, this season of BOO!!! It cracked me up. ( I know who it was used for, but I am trying to be better!!) ( or I totally don't remember the who, when and why?? and it just cracked me up anyway!!)
Just like the title of my blog, we are all Cashmere and Converse, and Shitt's Creek is a fantastic show, thank you Nancy and BA for turning me onto it many years ago.
Happy Sunday in September, spiders and all!!!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Bring Back Lawrence Welk-Jim Gaffigan, Sunday Morning News

In a conversation, of the comic variety, Jim Gaffigan spoke of living in the 1950's, NOW!!
We are all in Covid cooking frenzy, everything, farm to table, scratch. Some have even brought out the Cleaver PEARLS!!!
Children under foot, for months on end, puzzles and board games galore. Desi and Lucy may be on the tube. All that is missing is Lawrence Welk!! Bubbles and Big Band Music, Yes, don't tease me.
1 Nanny ( yes, I did have a 2 Nanny), with Mr. and Mrs. Norman (Noni) watched Mr. Welk every Saturday night for years. The Lennon Sisters were my JAM!!! Even as a little girl, they would all tell me, which singer would make me a good husband!! You do realize, I was maybe 6, through high school, yes I still watched it!! There was some young blond singer, that was the winner. I told them, he was not my type. When Grandmother told me, "Well he looks just like Edward McClamma, and you love him!!" I reminded her, in a gentle way, ?? !!, " Gran, that is private information!" 
Yes, bring back Lawrence.
 Also, another couple of quotes, that I had the good fortune of stumbling upon, I will share.
" Smells like Icy Hot and Cruelty!!", Lemon Breeland, Hart of Dixie, Netflex. May be my favorite line of all time.
Also since in this house of horrors, 2020 continues, I was lucky to watch the US Tennis championship, with unbridled joy. Johnny Mack was commentating about a young mans second serve being so bad, when he offered some advice, " Get the first serve in, then you don't need to worry about the second one!!" I hollered, Yes Johnny, a life lesson for real!!!
I love tennis more than air, and this open, was fantastic.
Honestly I have so many notes, but can not connect the dots these days. All is well, reading an autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein. I feel like I am in Paris surrounded by all things that make me happy. 
I think we are still in September, itching to decorate for fall, and Christmas, all at the same time. Its an Idea!! 
Love the one you are with, and maybe another.
Peace, Vote, and pray for fires to finish, so much heartache, bring me Lawrence!!