Not strange uncanny, mysterious uncanny, eerie uncanny, Remarkable Uncanny!! That is the one!!
Each day is remarkable, some days with sprinkles.
Lucy(the Lab) and I have been waiting and watching for rain, it seems, for days. The temp has been August high, and I know that rain is near. Each day we wait, and nothing. I think there is flooding in the hills of West Virginia, so I don't want that kind of rain, just to wet the earth some. Fires out west, they need some rain, much more than I, but I can still wish. Seems like we humans are always wishing for something else.
I sit at this computer, with pain in my right eye, not sure why, go to the doctor tomorrow. I just had cataract removal six weeks ago, so I hope that is all OK. This ageing stuff is testing me, and I have never been a good text taker! I will work myself into thinking of the worse, and hopefully it will be dry eyes! but by tomorrow I will have researched Braille, looked up optic brain tumor, and shake my head like Little Stevie Wonder!(that is what we use to call him) ( you have to laugh)
So I occupy this brilliant mind of mind..remember that Nash man at close!!
Currently am reading Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert it is just so..glorious. I love her, and her writing style. Below are some of her words.
1. After a certain age, (like now in my life) ( the parenthesis is me talking) no matter how you've been spending your time, you have very likely earned a doctorate in living.( amen! )
2. Maybe you grew up in an environment where people just sat around watching TV and
waiting for stuff to happen to them. ( TV was new and popular back in the day)
3. I also want to live the most vividly decorated temporary life that I can. I don't just mean
physically; I mean emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. ( I love that she recognizes that we
are all here on a temporary visa! but to live it vividly decorated!!awesomeness!!)
I can not wait to go finish it, so I will leave you with just those little parts of her story. ( every page, I have highlighted nearly every word!!! I think she is writing directly to me, but it could be you also.
June is almost finished, with July on her skirt tails, it just is so uncanny how fast time goes, you know the
remarkable uncanny!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Watch Where You Step, and Happy Fathers Day!!!
Every year our neighbor hood watch, homeowners group, put out a bulletin about a pet being attacked by a Copperhead snake. AND I go into a freak out mode of operation. Being from the deep south, I know there are snakes, but I can not easily live with them. I want them gone, and I do not care what color they are or how many mosquitoes they ate for lunch.
So I begin my watch, and carry a big hoe!
This year the spring has been lovely and the pine straw is laid. I think the snakes are thinking, this is the Ritz Carlton. If I work in the yard, or stroll in the yard, I move slowly and know that those snakes lay in wait. Damn them, for altering my peaceful existence. So this year, I have laid, stones, pavers, slabs, not sure what they are called.
These things, where my feet go, there will be a rectangle thingy. I feel like I could see the snake better, if it decided to crawl on my steps, and when I chopped it, the concrete will give a firm backing, Mr. Snake will be gone. ( I have thought this out) ( did you notice how I refer to snakes in the masculine form) ( interesting)
My blocks give me an extra second to flee or fight, there is some comfort in where you step! Now that is just the front yard, both sides and the back, they have paths but.....I may need a few more stones ( I do not know what to call these, just go with me) I feel some peace, and when I call "Critter Catchers" to come do a snake walk through, they will probably love my idea.
I was going to put snake repellent down, but then I think the snakes look at me, and come back when its gone! The neighbors would not be thrilled to have so many visitors, maybe they should get some stones?
So as I sprinkle a little, and marvel at my design, I wish all Fathers a good day!
So I begin my watch, and carry a big hoe!
This year the spring has been lovely and the pine straw is laid. I think the snakes are thinking, this is the Ritz Carlton. If I work in the yard, or stroll in the yard, I move slowly and know that those snakes lay in wait. Damn them, for altering my peaceful existence. So this year, I have laid, stones, pavers, slabs, not sure what they are called.
These things, where my feet go, there will be a rectangle thingy. I feel like I could see the snake better, if it decided to crawl on my steps, and when I chopped it, the concrete will give a firm backing, Mr. Snake will be gone. ( I have thought this out) ( did you notice how I refer to snakes in the masculine form) ( interesting)
My blocks give me an extra second to flee or fight, there is some comfort in where you step! Now that is just the front yard, both sides and the back, they have paths but.....I may need a few more stones ( I do not know what to call these, just go with me) I feel some peace, and when I call "Critter Catchers" to come do a snake walk through, they will probably love my idea.
I was going to put snake repellent down, but then I think the snakes look at me, and come back when its gone! The neighbors would not be thrilled to have so many visitors, maybe they should get some stones?
So as I sprinkle a little, and marvel at my design, I wish all Fathers a good day!
Friday, June 17, 2016
Aggressive, combative, hostile words or weapons, Do not point those at me. It is offensive and just plain not nice.
I do not allow any guns in my house. No water guns, no BB guns, no cap guns, no paint ball guns, hand guns, ( whatever that is), rifles, and for the love of Jesus, no assault guns. ( I think those are like Rambo guns?) None of my children, while under my roof, had any guns. ( I think Hart may have used a golf stick, once to pretend shoot someone!!) ( we had a talk!)
To hit people with rocks, rubber bands( yes those guns too) paint or water, annoys people, and what do they do, come after you with intent to hurt also. When has that ever been a good lesson? We teach each other how to act, people!!!
Yes I had brothers, and my whole neighborhood was full of wild boys, except for my best fried Jimmy Kennedy! I feel sure that we all played cowboys and Indians at some point, but I was always in charge of the fort and decoration!! I would sweep dirt until it shined!!
Guns scare me, and I don't like to feel that way. ( and I did not like Dodge ball, who wants to get hurt!!)
Now all you gun lovers relax, I support people having guns, if they choose. Life is about choices. I hope you have it locked and loaded, pointing at whatever causes you to be so fearful. People want protection, I get it. Maybe.
Hunters, if you hunt for food, I try and understand. I prefer the grocery store, but I also support farm to table, so if you want to kill for your food. I will give you a reluctant pass. I think that some hunters even call it a sport, but this cheerleader is thinking....what cheer goes with that!!
Assault rifles to own-NOT OK-They, whomever They are, have to ban these things for human use. No home needs an arsenal, the military is another story. The men in uniform, all service men, need weapons, that is all. The underbelly of society really needs a three day vetting for fire crackers. This is a no-brainer, no assault guns.
It seems silly to me, that it is even a discussion, but I have an idea that all the families planning funerals for their bullet riddled bodies of family members, maybe want a discussion.
Do not even point an argument here at me, this is a done discussion, No assault guns, have all your guns, just no assault guns, they have to go.
Do you get the point?
Saturday, June 11, 2016
A Good Altar and Some Hand Lotion
A few weeks past, I had painted a picture of one of my high school girlfriends, Harriet. I had it framed and walked around in my house deciding where to put it. It went in my bedroom on a little wall, and it looked like an angel. It needed an altar. A little yellow table with three drawers was purchased and placed. On the table I put two pictures of Bill and I holding Ward as an infant. An altar was born. ( hand lotion was added , because I believe the two things go together!)
There was a tiny bit of space, and it was bothering me, so I looked around and found a green cross, up it went. My hubby said, it was on his side of the bedroom, " Another altar? You have one on your side of the bed already??" Me back to him, " You can never have too many, I may not make it from my side of the bed, slippers and glasses on, before I need to pray again! or praise the day!" " Harriet makes me smile, and say thank you again, plus there is lotion!!" You see I appreciate good lotion located throughout my house, and especially in a prayerful pose, or a Namaste greeting! I want to smell nice, and be smooth.
All through my house there are spots of reflection, things of simple beauty to cause me to rejoice with gladness. My yard is no different, I plant things that remind me of certain people, and places. I can not go anywhere without gratitude
These are gentle reminders. Not too long ago, my cousin Jeannine's grandchildren had a picture on FB, their last day of school, I printed it and framed it. It sits by my computer, to make me laugh, not take everything so seriously. The Kee children are another altar in my life.
Last night, the reluctant hubs, ( he says no?) went to the symphony with me to hear Joshua Bell and Chris Botti. Josh was playing with a 300 year old Stradivarius violin, I put my hand over my heart, another altar, a sacred place of prayer, listening to music. There were at times, that I may have just voiced a " Oh My God!" and caused people to look my way. Until.....they felt that it was an OK thing to do, and I heard the woman next to me, shout "Jesus"
( note there was lotion in my purse!) ( smells and smoothness, are holy)
I could not get on the elevator to get to the parking garage after the concert, too many people crammed into a phone booth size elevator. Bill looked at me, and told me to go to the curb ( with the homeless people and crack dealers) ( which I prefer) he would drive around and get me. It was not a long walk, but it was a hot night and then I saw the ginkgo tree ! It was one by Ward's old college, that we had many a picture posed for under that tree, and there it was! In all its glory, lighting my way to the street, waving me on, another altar to close my eyes, and say thank you.
We have choices, make them count.
and Yes Bill did pick me up, off the streets, and I told him, I want cash only!!
Friday, June 3, 2016
What in the world, is going on?
The autopsy came in for My Prince, no surprise it was drugs, BUT he weighed 112 lbs!!
For the love of baby Jesus, who weighs that little? I knew he was a tiny thing, but 112lbs!!
No one ever made him some pancakes?
I am just so sad, about his lonely, petite demise.
Friends, did the poor thing have any friends? No relatives except his crackhead sister?
To die, overdosed in an elevator, and hungry. Damn him, now I will have all of these bad images in my head. Honestly my grief sits heavy on my heart, and now to know he was 112lbs, my little red corvette has a whole new meaning! This is going to take a visit to the shrink, bio feedback, prayer, a miracle! I need for my Purple Prince words.....just a whole bunch of crazy!!
My time with this machine, is just to tell you a couple of things, books I have read, lately. ( The above rant, is just why we should not watch the news!!) ( turn it off!! political mayhem) OK, back to my books.
I read less in the summer, but still manage about three a month, instead of five!!!
Unless by Carol Shields
Hold Still by Lynn Steger Strong
The Book of Ages, The Life of Jane Franklin ( Ben's sister) by Jill Lepore
I will only talk about Unless ( which, Iam not totally sure is the entire title?) ( long story) (another time)
The author is a wonderful writer, without a ton of story.
If you like words, this book will thrill you.
If you like content, I just remember it was a tad weak.
However!!! she uses words, like cream cheese frosting on a cake!! thick and yummy.
A few examples.
not cruelly intended, only a little tactless
elegiac undertone
palliate my worry
to read obituaries because they carry, like genes packed tight in their separate chromosomes, tiny kernels of narrative
unless is a miracle of language and perception
How do you bear it?
adamantine certainly
curiously carnal
hermetic about her disposition
a short, sunless Wednesday, the air stretched out on every side like sheets of muslin.
in my role as mother, the provider of nutrition
She spoke with an astringency that was almost asexual
Goodness is a luxury for the fortunate
He likes the fact that my stuff is off-centre and steers a random course
pedagogic and getting more so every year
cantilevered space
Granted these are just my highlighted gems, but its enough to make you curious. For some reason I loved it in a strange way. Maybe love is too big a word, I was fascinated by the writer not the story. A new kind of love.
The other two books, one I was enjoying and it went south, Hold Still. ( I did enjoy some of the family dynamics)
The history book about Benny's sister, not fun to read, but I always like a siblings view of things in the family. We all see each other in different ways, even the same family stories change, depending on who is telling the story. Times were so different back then, especially for women. Having Ben Franklin as your brother, interesting stuff. Throw out a wider net, read all kinds of books.
Now I am off to work in the yard, Lantana that grows wild in Florida, we have to plant each year.
I have a plan, many of them!!
Friday is Friday, all day long, fill her up!!
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Finally! Something That Makes Sense!!!
Sunday comics, show up in my blog life. Non-Sequitur by Wiley is one I lean towards with pleasure.
Here is my brief description, you really need to see the pictures!!
Little girl, looking out of her window at a true bluebird. Hmmmmmm.
Girl to dad, Hey, I was just wondering....why are bluebirds blue
Dad to girl, Because they eat mostly blueberries, Its their best defense against cats
Girl thinking, Oh, Wait, What?
Dad reading the paper, well as eveyone knows, cats hate blueberries, so their color lets cats know that they're full of blueberries, and then cats leave them alone
Girl thinking, hmmm, ummmmm
Girl screaming, Finally! Something that makes sense!
Sister on couch next to dad, also reading, Her future therapist will be secretly thanking you for providing a steady income
Dad never looking up from the paper, sigh, OK...OK....but I just couldn't resist....
Little girl who started this conversation.... Hey....will eating blueberries turn me blue....
Today on this hot June afternoon, I'm still thinking about that cartoon and smiling.
Something so simple to a child, and they believe. I would hope by becoming an adult we see things more clearly without losing the innocence. I also hope when we are talking to kids, we can make up a story and somehow be more truthful. Certainly the age of child, dictates our decision. Imagination is a critical tool, and so is the truth. (This election season, seems to be lost to so many) ( Simple truth, and good manners, with a good story thrown in) ( what has happened to people)
Back to my thoughts......Bluebirds eating blueberries and cats hating blueberries, makes sense to me. It is a darling tale, simple and sweet.
Can real life hold these moments for any length of time? Maybe not, but for a brief minute, you have to grab them. Pay attention to goodness around you, and walk away from toxic fumes all over the place!
Turn off the TV and computer ( I will turn it off, as soon as, I finish) ( I promise)
Put your feet in some water, let the sun bake the meanness out of you, and wonder.
I wonder why my hydrangeas are blooming so much this year, I think they may have eaten some blueberries!! It makes sense!!
( spell check is not working) ( well it probably is, but...)
( all grammar errors, are done for decorative purposes!)
I love this kid

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