Friday, January 15, 2016

Hang Onto Your Hanky

     Its storming outside my window, so I come to write.
     January continues to dim my light, so I write and write some more!
     Or..look for my iron?

     This week, a box of horrible smokey handkerchiefs, lifted my spirits and my imagination
     My sweet Mary Heyward ( mom) gave me a box of hankies from a dear friend of hers, who had recently died. Not everyone, would have accepted these so cheerfully, but I knew there must be a story, who has a box of over two hundred hankies? Mom has, over the years, placed into my hands some jewels.( my brothers never want anything!) So often, I say yes, and don't truly know until I get home and explore the contents my treasure. Not all do I keep, but mom knows, that once it comes to me, I will either give it away, or find a special place in my home and heart for the stuff of stories.

   OK, back to my iron...I did not even know I had one, and when I found it, was excited to find it was new and never used ( that part was not a surprise) The hankies stunk to high heaven, and I washed them like a newborn baby. I was sure they would dissolve, these things were old. You see, Mrs. Pickering,my mothers friend, died at 99. She had no children, and at some time, I think, thought my mom was her child. I remember going to her house, near the paper mill, for my mom to take her things. Cakes, Pies, Cookies, just stick her head in to say "Hello" and we Blackman children usually were in tow. None of us wanted to go there, except maybe me, I liked to see there living quarters! I could not imagine a house with no children, and it always fascinated me, that there were people that their houses were quiet. Noreina was her first name, and her husband were friends of my mom for a LONG time. Mrs. Pickering worked at the Middle School, Oceanway, for forever!!! she was the guidance counselor, I thought she was the Assistant Principal, mom corrected me this morning. I use to like to see Mrs. Pickering's clothes, beautiful suits and high heels, daily. Her hair was tight and coiffed, never moved, she was a pint size force. I was a little scared of her. She was not gentle or soft spoken, and that would cause me to shrink a little, and take notes also. She was strong and vulnerable, and as my dad would say, " She is a pistol"
   I know, I left the iron on! Well, when the hankies were washed in four, very small loads, and dried on baby gentle, I began to iron them in groups, and with each one, I  threw on the table, ( You don' t think I put up an ironing board??) I had to look and examine and take photos to send to my mama, and think, " How did you get all of these handkerchiefs, Mrs. P?" ( I think I may have spelled some hankerchiefs !!that is how it sounds coming out of my mouth, and I may or may not correct it!!)
  When mom told me about the kerchiefs, she asked me if I knew that Mrs. Pickering was a Prima Ballerina?
 I did not, she was extremely tiny, but I could see it. Worked at being a good ballerina for a long time, and had an opportunity to be in a company but her mother said, "No."
  The mother wanted her to become a teacher, have something to fall back on, being a ballerina was a hobby, not an occupation, to people living in the depression. They were probably proud, that she was smart, and somehow they could scrap up the money to send her to college. So Mrs. P's dream, life long dream, was shattered.  I saw pictures of her, in her home, looking like an angel. I think ballerinas are the most beautiful creatures in art. Oh what these handkerchiefs could tell us? All I know for sure is that she had a zillion of them, and kept them for 99 years!even in a nursing home, pretty amazing. I wish I had a picture of her doing "Swan Lake", maybe I will find it at some antique store one day. She really was pretty amazing, and my mom's friend, that I sort of shared all of these years.
    I still have all the white ones to iron, maybe today? Thank you Mrs. Pickering? For still being a part of my life, and who knows where these handkerchiefs may go? I just promise you they will find good homes, and know your story.
  This story is from my memory, with mom helping me. I left out some parts about her husband because, well that was her story to tell. I can say that she is a survivor in so many ways, and leave it at that.
  Strong women, I salute you.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Just Write

    Each winter, I work very hard to dig myself out of Alice's hole. I think it is a combination of things, and I have learned how to come to my rescue. Painting, reading and writing, and upping the meds! Cold weather is The Devil, and The Mad Hatter sits very near me! I just do not like January, there I said it! I think if I went from December to February, it would be much different. Who knows, but hope reigns. February is near, so today, love is in the air.
   My love of David Bowie is remembered this day. He has continued on a different journey, and promised us it would never be boring. Thrilled to have seen him, and appreciated his unique being on this planet. ( Normally this may have taken me to the bed, but its almost February! Iam good!)
  Made several doctors appointments for February and March, and just writing dates and times, in those months, put a little twerk in my step. ( Thank you MP for my Outlander calendar, I tear off the good day pictures and keep them in my purse! A girl never knows when she needs to see The Laird of Lollybroch!)
  I had no blog in mind, but I wanted to write, so I remembered this book that my son Hart and DIL Nicole gave me for Christmas. 642 Things To Write About by San Francisco Writers Grotto. It is a must book for all people. Hidden Potential, you never know what can happen in a single day, write something. Can we direct our story or does the story direct us, something to think about. I feel lucky to live my life, so full of stories, seldom do I need a prompt, but I sure like one when I see it! and it stokes my fire.

 I will just copy some of the writing prompts for you to ponder, remember there are 642!

What can happen in a second...

The smell of a place that you love..

The last time you changed your mind about something important..

Your worst experience in gym class...

Five things you see out the nearest window...

A physical description of an eccentric relative....

Wisdom you learned from your child...

A beginners guide to getting up in the morning...

What is public and private? What do these terms mean now?

Five years from now, what will you be worrying about....

A scene that takes place in extreme heat...

The snappy reply you never were able to make.....

Ode to an onion.....

Make up a new Peanuts character...

The lists, ideas are amazing, thought provoking, fun and scary. 642 different things to write about, and some are a whole page, and others a small little box for you to fill. Some may require one word or an epistle, after all you are the writer. Its your story, your journey, your song....
                                        Just Write.....

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Not Brilliant

  When in London, things seem to always be, "Brilliant."
   Normally I embrace all slang in languages, but some things are not Brilliant!
   ( Yet my year of 'light' has me even using words that refer to light!, the universe is Brilliant!"
   ( I am sitting at the computer this January in a shawl, with my tiny hands sticking out, freezing and looking like a granny!) ( Just some added info)
        One early morning this week, I was just starting to drink my coffee, when the conversation needed a response from me. (Usually I can go longer without a word)
         Bill-"Did you know there is a new app, or button ( I forgot what he called it) that stores and moves things, in the right upper corner of your IPAD?" ( I honestly don't know what he said)
         me- " I want no more extra clicks!"
         Bill- " This is easy, this could be good, giga, gaga, cloud???" ( This is what I was hearing)
                                                   Bonnie's Dictionary
                            Click, clicks, clicker- verb or noun
                                                            1. anything that requires me to know where it is or what it looks like.
                                                            2. sometimes referred to as a button.
                                                            3. if you push it, scary things can happen
Any more new, extra clicks or swipes, is not Brilliant! I bloody well don't want it!
( Please know as I was handwriting this blog, my Bob Newhart aka Dr. Bill is still talking to me)
         Bill-"but you can save"....(Its 6:05 in the morning)
         me-" Did you call it an 'arrow'? I don't want to save!" ( I get up to get another cup of coffee, he doesn't know I have left the room)
         me-" Can you hand me the clicker(TV), I can not listen to anything on the news without bile coming up in my throat. I need music and Fred Astaire in the am, it's important to start your day off right.
        I thanked Bill for my blog, and he said, "always" which means, " I don't know what you are saying, or Brilliant, anytime!"
       My new year of 'light' reminds me, that I don't really care about a cloud, or an arrow, or copy and paste. However I do love technology, and typing, Kindles, Computers, Ipads, Iphones, ( Are they called those things??) so I do have to listen more carefully, to my mornings with Bill. Just maybe right now, I can have a click free morning of no lessons. Brilliant!! I love that word. No more new clicks for me!!!! This year, I can tell, is off to an amazing start.