Friday, November 23, 2012


No I am not delinquent in my writing, I am surrounded by notes and ideas. Sitting down and writing my personal blog, has been interrupted by this glorious fall in Georgia. OR..Should I say, I have languished in the sunshine and warm temperatures, listening to the season for the first time in sixty years. When you are young, you can't pay attention. Little minds are filled up with excitement, pure joy, but unaware of natures majesty. In your twenties and probably thirties, you are considering careers, children and maybe a spouse! You and your brain are on overload, especially when babies come into view. I remember work, work and more work for many years, failing to notice spring, winter, fall and my summer. Surely I made mention of an unbearable winter snow, a welcomed spring in the north, too many leaves to rake every fall, and "my summer" hot and humid and never long enough? Never have I listened to the season. Never have I smelled the leaves and paused.

 I think it has to do with, retirement and my age. Plus October and November in Georgia this year, has been grand. I truly am in awe of whatever the reason, my cup is full.

Little and Big Elves are now putting up the Christmas tree, waiting for me to do all the decorations. All the Thanksgiving dishes are put away, and a few leftovers remain. I sit at this computer, listening, looking, aware of my life, charmed and flawed like so many. So very thankful for this time in my life. Especially Spanx and Botox!!!!! For my five children, who have made me a better person. A husband who lets me, be me and has never questioned what I have bought!!!Thank you Baby Jesus!!! Friends from long ago, and yesterday continue to make me laugh, and hold me when I cry. I love you enough to lick you, but will refrain!!!! So thankful that my parents are still with us, and communicate, text and e-mail and phone!!!! ( I should say Mary, you know Homer will not even pick up the phone!!!) My brothers, who will always be younger, because I AM THE OLDEST SISTER!!!!forever, the queen and you will bow!!! Tommy and Benjie, you rock, I love you.

Tis the season, take a moment to enjoy.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank You Baby Jesus and Moses!

  I truly want to thank everyone, light a candle for Mother Mary's cousin Saul, send prayers out into the universe, for President Obama being elected for a second term.
One of my friends called him the pro-abortion president. I wanted to tell her it is called Pro Choice, and that we hope no one ever needs an abortion, but if they do, the people of America will help them. Maybe instead of hating, the forty some odd percentage of people who voted differently than I could go volunteer at a Planned Parenthood facility. Another friend of mine made a list of things that disgruntled republicans could do, to take their mind off the hard loss. Mags wrote that all of us should volunteer to help a teen in trouble, work at a woman's shelter, soup kitchen, look at your elderly parents and thank whomever that they will have affordable health care. I wanted to add, Hospice is always in need of people, watching a family say good-bye to a loved one dying teaches us much. Support small business in your community. To whom much is given, we have to give back. Of course that is the liberal speaking in me.

We do, as a country, have much work ahead, but we always do. You see, we are young and growing. The country is becoming so much more diverse. The demographics have changed. We are not a "Mad Men" TV show anymore, we are a "Modern Family."

Some of you know that my sweet Ward, age 25, died over five years ago. In his lifetime, due to mental illness, he was on many medications. Those medicines made his life normal, at a high cost. You see he stopped taking all of those meds when he was no longer on our insurance plan. He could never afford them, so he stopped. One pill was 800 dollars a month, Ward took four or five different pills a day. He no longer went to the Shrink, because that was 250 dollars an hour. One July morning we found him dead of an apparent accidental drug overdose. Street drugs, they cost 15 dollars. He came off of our insurance the day he graduated college. Now you can keep your children on your policy until 26, thanks to our president. In my heart I wish, that I had been able to help Ward for a little longer, maybe if I had a few more years to keep him safe and functioning, you see affordable health care is personal to me. Yes, to your questions, we took out many loans to help him, tried to get him in many programs that would not take him, because of his insurance. Yes, you see, he did work. Now even his precondition of Autistic, Social Anxiety disorder, Schizophrenia/ Bi polar problems would be covered. He was lucky to live in a time when medication made his life awesome, and unlucky that was taken away from him.

This election has made huge divides between people, both sides can argue their point. I have no fight left in me. I believe in my party and I have hope for the Republican party. Our country needs both parties, we have to work together.

I am a child from the 60's, I believe in love.

I also believe in hard work, it will take all of us.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spin This!

I know it may be hard for you to believe BUT I do like to exercise. I'm a member of a local Georgia gym, or is it called something else???? Fitness center!!! Not only am I a member, but I go. I love Zumba class, and my aqua swim class is a beautiful thing, I even cycle. Yes I have gone to a spin class, and I don't spin! The music is loud and shaking the rafters. This is probably my driving force, the music, because I don't like to drip sweat, or ride a bike standing up. So I spin in the back, like a turtle, and dance like no one is watching. In fact, I dance and exercise to my own drummer in all my classes. That may explain the loaf of challah around my middle, I spin everything my own way.
Since my retirement, I have decided to try yoga also. I'm searching for the right fit for me, slow and easy. Possibly with some handsome young man in tights, to lift my legs and brace my head up, Downward Dog!!
I figure if the media can spin things their way, so can I.
Today is the presidential election, and its tight.
Depending on who you are listening to, Abraham Lincoln may win. I feel like I cannot believe anyone, or anything. In my optimistic world of hope, that is not going to work.
I think the right person will win, of course my person,(its my spin) and we will all be happy and peaceful.
Just last week, getting ready to go to sleep, I said to my Bill, " I think this 64 degree temperature is as cold as it will be this year." My grumpy Bill replied, " Your delusional Bonnie, its not even winter yet."
I slowly turned towards him and in the dark spewed, " I am filled with HOPE, that is not delusional!!"
You can spin hope, can't you?
Of course!!!!!
Remember to vote..