Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh Holy Speaker

Yesterday was our last Ho-Ho-Hum day at school, and normally a day to avoid. I drag myself through this day each year, shackled like Marley's ghost, thinking about what in the world to do with all these students!!! Candy canes dripping all over them and the floor, finals have been over for awhile, they have seen every movie known to man, what can a person do??? Someone did it right, and Oh Holy Night, the children were perfect!!! We had a holocaust survivor come speak to the entire 8th grade classes. In fact two speakers, but I only saw one. The LAST DAY of school before Christmas!! I know, I thought the same thing, how will this work??but work it did. We were all held in the palm of Mr. Benjamin Hirsch, as soon, as he walked into the library. He walked in with a slow gait, and a lifetime of memories, waiting to be told. You knew he had a story to tell, and no one moved. He softly told of his family's saga during wartime, and being Jewish. How his father and mother, and some siblings died in the gas chambers. He said kind words about his mother, who packed up some of her younger children, and placed them on a train, bound for who knows where, for safe keeping. Her babies went to neighbors or relatives, and the younger three boys went on the train to freedom. If you were over sixteen , you could not travel on the train, so I think a brother and sister stayed behind to die with their mother. My heart was racing with each word, that poured out of his soul. How does a human, a child grow up like this and survive, and flourish? Where is his grief, where did it go? He was six years old, and knew people wanted him dead, he was scared. How did his mother let some go, and keep the others, I felt myself about to hit the floor, wailing. Ben would not have allowed this in me, his strength and courage demanded me to be strong and listen. Which I did, and forever will be so grateful to have met him, shook his hand, and kissed his cheek. I cannot give this story justice, I can only say, we need to always remember the Holocaust, even on the last day of school, before Christmas.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blogged Down

It's the holiday season, and I'm up to my ass in alligators!! I'm blogged down, and filled with useless excuses for everything. You have to laugh, and you know I DO!! While lighting the many candles around my house, I needed to pee. So I took the matches with me, and wanted to multi-task, light the bathroom candle, as I sat. For some reason , the candle wick was "wicked out" and would not burn. I kept putting the newly used matches in between my legs, into the toilet. After three tries, and my last match was sinking in the toi-toi ( Aunt Peggy's name for the John), I just shook with laughter. I could easily have lit my hoo-hoo UP!!! Sometimes common sense takes a vacation!!!! Instantly I blamed the holidays. My fragmented, scattered thoughts could only mean one thing, all of this good material for my blog!!!
This weekend I had the pleasure of reading, Enjoy Every Sandwich: Living Each Day as if it Were Your Last,by Dr. Lee Lipsenthal. A true gift, I encourage all living things to read it. I also think if you are nearly dead, have someone else read it to you. He reminds us to, have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves!!!!! He died recently from cancer of the esophagus. What a bucket of love he left behind.
Second I needed to get my nails done before Tebow played at four, see everything is squeezed into hacked periods of time, maddening!!! So off I went, before people in church, swallowed their communion wafer. I decided to have snowmen put on my thumbnails, its the holidays REMEMBER!!! She said, "You like?" So in my best English, " No, not really, you see snowmen do not have legs." "You want white legs, they were painted black?" " NO, no, no, I don't want legs on my snowman." " You want glitter?" " Yes, can you use it to paint over his legs?" Note to self, never ask a nail person from Vietnam to draw a snowman. By this time, I'm crying from laughing, and I should be addressing Christmas cards, but the spotlight shifts!!! The shame cloud will have to hover ( that line is from Modern Family, hands down the funniest show on this planet) because the football game has started, and I am having birthing pains! My boy Timmy Tebow is my shinning Christmas Star.
We are having doughnuts for supper, its the holidays!!!

The photo of my "crack head snowmen" is blurry, its the best we could do!!! Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Equine, Can You Hear Me???

NO ONE, amuses me, more than me!!! I laugh at myself, with myself, as the world turns.
Of course others laugh at me, and with me, only to amuse me more. However, sometimes.....its not funny. Such is the case, that my husband of thirty plus years, did not know I was a " horse whisperer-er". He laughed hard when I reminded him of this, and that is NOT funny. My children are aware of this talent, and some friends. The lady at the stables, whom I asked if I could brush the horses, knows my serious connection with these beasts. So when Cavalia 2/Odyeseo, opens the tent in downtown Atlanta this December, I expected this to be an easy Christmas present for me.?
"Why would anyone want to smell horses, for the holiday?" spoke hubby, without a clue!!! "Because your wife has the gift, and I think I need to be close to these creatures, they speak to me!" said I. "Have you ever looked deep into the eyes of a horse, BILL?" yelling ever so quietly!!! He is doubled over, this is not funny. I had to quickly rein him in. So I whispered......"I will go by myself, and experience the Equine Invasion, produced by the Cirque du Soleil people, knowing that "they" are calling me." " Do you think they have the wrong number?" I HEARD THAT!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Have A Bigger House

November went out with my Emma saying, "Hart you should have been with us, mom lost it!" On this Thanksgiving holiday, I was ever so thankful for curse words. ( Do not read on, if you are easily offended!!!) Emma and I had gone to work out at the gym, the pumpkin was already hanging on my buttocks, so we worked hard. Driving home, early Sunday morning, good moods all around, when , the Jack-Ass, starts laying on the horn. I turned and looked, thinking someone needed our help, because clearly Emma(driver) could not turn left with oncoming traffic. I looked at Emma, with, WTF is this guy doing? Maybe it was an accident blow your horn move?? Three cars went by and Em proceeded to turn left, but it was not fast enough for Evil Knievel, and toot he did, long and loud. By now, I'm scaling the seats, "What is your GD problem, you stupid sh-t!" Emma begins to lock the doors, there is no where for him to go, he is stuck behind us. At the next light, Em turns left again, he swings past us on the left, I gently????leaned over, laid on the horn, middle fingers were exchanged. Emma said , "Maybe he has to go to the bathroom?" At this point, I hope he messed his pants. Emma said, " I wonder where he is going?" when he turned right into this seedy area. I rolled down the window, he was out of sight by then, but I screamed, I live in a bigger house, you d-ck!!!!! Honestly, I felt much better. I have never even honked a horn at a person, I don't understand where people need to go in such a hurry, nor what concrete jungle they have been raised in!!!!! I now understand road rage,and why I have never carried a weapon!!!!
***The above picture is not my house, mine is BIGGER!!!! so watch out!!!honking drivers!!!