Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is that your costume??

Leaving early tomorrow, Boston Bound, for some tricking and treating with my grandchildren. What will those little goblins be wearing? Halloween is such a big hoopla for kids, as well it should be. I can think of nothing better then dressing up, and having people give you candy. The schools don't even allow kids to dress up and have parades anymore, some religious reason? I must have missed that bible lesson. Thou shall not buy or wear costumes of any kind, eat candy corn and "Lord love a duck" never lust after a vampire!!!!! ( my True Blood fantasy) I noticed a school was having a, Wear Your Favorite Book Character Day. Where there is a will, there is a way. A genius plan, everyone could dress up and come as Moby Dick, Harry Potter, Dorothy and Toto. Even Disney characters have their own books!!!
Halloween is alive and well, under the disguise of reading books!! Now that is some paranormal activity, for sure!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Did You Say??

Middle School age is such a transition time for kids, a train wreck of human growth.Poor scholars don't know what hit them. I love the juvenile mind, very few working filters kicking in!!! My kids, the ELL(English Language Learners) are going through puberty and learning English, which is a very special kind of torture. I have learned after many years not to give them open-ended questions. For example, discussing food in other countries?? Dogs will come up!!! each year someone will say ," Mrs. Baron we only eat the big dogs, not the little ones." Isn't that special!! ***Reminder to self,do not bring my Lucy the Lab to school !
I have also learned to "Narrow the Field" . Occasionally I forget and learn I do!!! We asked in passing, "What are you going to do this weekend , kids?" seems like an OK question. When one of our students replied, " We are going to slaughter sheep, but I can't eat it because of the cholesterol!" oh and "I guess we will kill a goat instead!" Well now, that is much better.
How does anyone survive Middle School???? only by laughing, its the only language that we both understand.

Monday, October 19, 2009

It may be October, but I smell like August!!!!

I can hardly write about anything lately, without a tie into grief. It is my life, a life without my child. Its a good life, just not a whole life. Too big of a loss.
Grief has wreaked havoc on all my senses. They have all been dulled to sometimes non-existence.
My sense of smell just came back this summer, thanks to my personal Rachel Zoe, aka Maria Purwin. She called early in the summer with a command, "Go to the nearest bobbi brown makeup counter and buy her new fragrance Beach"! Naturally I obeyed, Purwin has an eye for fashion and a nose for what I like!!! I fell over the counter nearly in hysterics, I could smell again, and it was the smell of my youth. The aroma is Florida in a bottle, my Florida, salt, seashells, and home. I could close my eyes and not hurt so badly.

My sense of smell came back to me, after two years. Thank you Perlotta, and bobbie brown, with your lower case B's!!!!!

I look forward to the smells of Fall in the air, and if you get real close to me, a faint smell of the beach.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Save the TA-TAS !!!!!!!

Hopefully, we are all aware of how much we need to do, research on, WHY breast cancer is so rampant.

I would like for some of the money to be spent on making mammograms available, for free, for all women. Also, I would like a little research money to be spent on making it a more pleasant experience.

Yesterday I had my annual torpedo's checked, not an easy feat for the x-ray technician, I'm sure. Living with Double D's since twelve, has always been a curse. A Dolly Parton curse without her money!!!! Going to have a mammogram is a whole other beast.
First they direct me to undress and suggest I wear the Red Enormous Tits gown. So when I go to the waiting room, and 500 women in blue gowns are sitting, I would feel OH so comfortable!!!
Second they leave me in the waiting room for an hour or two with magazines from the late 70's. It was like waiting for the second coming of Christ, with no reading material.
Third, they call my name, and press my boobs between glass plates until they resemble the continent of Asia!!! Zap, Zap and Zap through the tissue. Left, Right, upside down and backwards!!!! Back to the waiting room.
Fourth, "Mrs. Baron, we need to take a few more pictures." Now what do you think every woman is thinking?? of course, CANCER !!!! and sure more photos of my "Girls", let me put down this riveting article from 1968!!!!
Fifth, the ultrasound, warm K-Y jelly all over, that's a plus!!! and a warm blanket, another plus. Back to the waiting room.
I have been on the receiving end of good news, even with a few biopsies . There are so many women sitting in the waiting room whose faces tell another story. This is crazy stuff, women suffering way too much, from the exam to the horrible disease. I know progress has been made, but tell that to the women sitting across from me. My "numies" ( that's what we called them in our house!!) are hanging fine, but my heart hurts. Save the Ta-Tas, support breast cancer research.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Attention To Details!!!

Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, had a Bagdy wedding on Saturday afternoon. The church had me at Hellllloooo!! stained glass windows, glistening, gigantic pipe organs flanking the altar, and prayer candles in the Methodist church!!! Holy ground and a wedding thrown in! M of the B, Malia , details, perfect. She is worthy of winning the Nobel Peace Prize, thought that would make any whimpering republicans, happy!! To me ,she is so worthy!!!The reception held in the Georgia Ballroom at the Biltmore, iced the cake. Decorated and arranged for royalty, which we all think we are!!!! We walked in and were served chicken and dumplings in shot glasses, a genius appetizer. Cold slaw in a martini glass, layered with shrimp. Shrimp biscuits, who thinks of these things. Its all in the details and my friend Malia has done it again. Gave away her sweet daughter in the grandest of styles.

Upon leaving I looked at my only daughter and said ,"ELOPE".

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Let's "Facebook" It!!!!

You will find me , on the fence, about facebook.

I love seeing photos, old and new, of all my peeps. Hearing about "most of" their hoopla. Facebook walks a fine line.
Many a day I am faced with the question, "Who are these people?" I drag out the high school yearbooks, that smell like , my grandmother's blankets. Do I want to yak with all? No thank you. It seems crazy to me. Seriously.....

I don't understand games, from poker to farmtown. I don't want to take any quizzes that tell me, what kind of flower am I similar to. I don't care about each others horoscope. I just want to know you are healthy and happy.
I don't even like to confirm someone or delete them, its creepy. Although I have had to delete a few!!! How can I be friends with so many republicans????

No energy left to become BFF with people. My forever friends know who they are.
I have a feeling that we may be , over exposed!!!! as my grandmother use to say, "Don't tell all of your business!" I think it may be tooooooooooooo late!!! see you on facebook!!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not So Classy

Ryan Gainey's backyard, Paradise Gardens when Howard was alive,book signings and beignets, a drugstore in Gainesville with a record bottles of hot sauce, tomato festival, Plaza de somthing?? on a rosary bead trek, Ben Hill Methodist Church, movies and museums, concerts and more.

Adventures with my friend Jamie continued on this past Saturday. We traveled to a flea mini market in Alpharetta. There was no road, and we waded through fresh cut hay, but bargains were found. We left there for our favorite coffee place. Its either called "A Thousand Hills Coffee", or "Drink Coffee Do Good", in Roswell., it is the best coffee, all the way from Rwanda!!!After a long gab-fest we hit a antique/consignment shop in Roswell, called "Classy Clutter"
It was darling, filled with "finds"
Money exchanged hands and we had some great purchases, loaded up the car. Walking a block max, we hit another antique store. This one was a little too pricey, so we high-tailed it out of there. With the car in site, we saw a pink slip and a pole with a big sign in the front of the car, "FOR CLUTTER PATRONS ONLY". The pink slip said "Parking for a classy clutter" We hollered, we are classy and we just cluttered!! I almost had to sell a kidney to pay for my stuff!!! and your telling me I cannot park for a few more minutes, Not so Classy!!!! a cute store with no manners, and in the south!!!!!! I will go back, cute always wins, but I will have a little talk with the keeper of the parking sign!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My job is helping to teach ELL students.(English Language Learners) I have been doing this for the past fourteen years. On most days the students are clever, smart, needy and add so much to my life. The other days, are so few, that they don't count. Usually I have a "hunk" of material for journals, blogs and fun stories.
However,this next story came from the "other" students that we also encounter.

A young female student, approximately??7th grade, had lost her backpack. There was the possibility that it could have been stolen. She presented her problem to our PE teachers. The little girl was in a "Tizzy" The teacher calmly asked the student, "Who would take a heavy, giant backpack?"........delayed response(she was thinking) "Bitches and Jackasses, that's who!!!"

I could not have said it better myself. There is no age limit to those two thieves!!! If she doesn't locate her backpack, I'm buying her a new one!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How are you daddy?

We were all gathered at the viewing for Ward. I was busy trying to get some of the make-up off of him,greeting people, never not touching my boy.I cut a lock of my hair and put it in his hands,and I held onto his super-man pajamas , trying to comfort all those who came to comfort me. It was a mind numbing hour, and I thought I was not going to make it. My legs where getting ready to fold, when I saw my daddy sitting on one of the many couches.I was worried about him, so I asked," How are you doing daddy?" With no hesitation he said, " I have been more comfortable in fox holes in Korea!!!" how could I not laugh?

Homer(dad) has never minced words,and has an unusual way of saying things. His sense of humor is sharp, sometime stings and has made my life rich.

Thank you daddy.